There are 1.65 million Afar People.
Literacy rates are shockingly low.
70% of children receive no formal education
Girls are particularly affected.
There is no Sixth Form in the region.
CPA has been invited by the regional Afar government to build two classroom blocks at Komame Senior school to enable students to complete their final two years of schooling and give them the chance to apply for university.
‘Helping girls to access education, liberates them.’
– Roman Tafese, Boarding Coordinator
Want to help?
Please help us reach our target and continue to empower the young people in the Afar region to shape their own futures.
To donate you can either click the link to our MyDonate page, putting ‘Christmas 2018′ in the more info’ box, or use the details below.
Sort Code: 16-23-32 || Account No: 10002353
Payable ‘Christian Partners in Africa’
15 Newland, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 1XG
Thank you!